Monday, July 13, 2009

Walk/ Bike/ Bus Challenge

Ok, I have said I wanted to do this alternative transportation challenge- in other words try to not drive the car much. Well, it is going to be a challenge. This is how my mind works.
A few days before Sunday I proclaim to the household, “I am going to go to the Sunday Farmer’s Market and I am going to walk or ride my bike.” In my head I am thinking that they had better not sabotage my grand plan because no matter who is visiting or what we are doing I will not be deterred. I will walk/bike to the farmer’s market.
Sunday morning:
Cecile: I don’t think I should walk/ride to the farmer’s market. I am getting a crick in my neck. Besides (mumbling now) I might want to get a watermelon. And it’s hot.

So much for my resolve.
Fortunately, my husband steps in, offers to carry stuff and we ride our bikes. And we do get a melon (a small one)- thanks, hubby. And, my crick in my neck never really amounts to much.
Here is my challenge.
My goals:
Avoid using the car whenever possible.
Start using the bus, if walking/ biking is not an option.
Combine/plan car errands.
Keep track of transportation behavior.

I realize these are nebulous goals, but I really don’t know what to expect. I work from home so commuting is not an issue for me. Driving is all about getting my son to/ from activities/ appointments, running household errands and getting out to do fun things. I would like to get to the point where going somewhere by car is not so much of a habit, as it is now. I will keep you posted. Let me know if you are doing similar stuff or are willing to join me.

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