This morning I was wondering what the heck I could write about in this blog. This blog to me is all about getting outside, enjoying the world and doing something positive, “one step at a time.” And then we have another mass shooting. And the one thing I thought that maybe could have come out of it was that maybe people could be less hateful towards each other in their rhetoric, regardless of the “whys” of the deranged gunman. But it doesn’t appear that will happen anytime soon, not in the political arena, not where money changes hands, not on any side.
And yet… Last night I watched Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. Not sure what I was hoping to see, but I saw it. There he was, searching for words to describe the awful event. He limited the humor in the first section. I did like the grown man in panda bear pjs, but what really stuck with me were Stewart’s words. And you should watch it if you really want his take on it, but he said he would not give in to despair. He will rather celebrate the lives he has gotten to know because of this event, lives he never would have gotten to know otherwise- amazing people who lost their lives and amazing people who stepped up to help.
And then this morning, on NPR, I think it was a national story, they covered a walking and running group in Tucson. I was just waking up so my memory is blurry, but I think the group’s name was “Get Out.” A woman is heard telling the group, bigger than usual this time, to smile at their neighbors and ask them how they are doing. Ask them from your heart, she said. And I think that is what it is all about.
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