Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tracking time

I have been walking in the morning lately and have been getting acquainted with when the sun rises. I kind of like that. I might not like that I will soon be walking in darkness, but I like that even though I am walking at the same time every morning, something is changing. This morning I needed a headlamp to see the rocks on the trail on the way to my destination; I could barely make out their outlines without it. Blazing overhead was Venus and stars were scattered here and there.

I know it will get darker. December 21 is the shortest day of the year and today is only December 7. Last year, my husband printed out the “Sun and Moon Rise/Set Table” for me. I noted that the sun rose later and later all the way until January and the rise date won’t be the same as today until some date in February, that was last year. You can see for yourself- it’s about the same this year.

While I am confounded by the dark and want it to be light already, I appreciate how time is marked outside of human conventions. I use to work in the public program at Lowell Observatory and would sometimes do night programs. Those were my favorite programs. Every season brought its own collection of constellations. I would mark the changing of the season not by the calendar but by the rising of Orion or the position of the Big Dipper.

I miss that, I get sucked in by the warmth of my house. Mmm, cozy. But maybe these morning walks will get me back outside and back to tracking time with the stars. Still, it’s very cold.

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