Friday, July 24, 2009

Why me? Why now?

Why me? Why do I even think that this alternative transportation thing is possible?
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 47 year old mother of one son who is 11 years old. I currently work from home as a freelance writer but before my son was born I worked full-time in a variety of jobs- office work, field biologist, wetlands specialist. I tell you this because to get to these jobs I used all modes of transportation: foot, bus, bike, car.
I actually didn’t have a car until I was around 24 or 25 years old. My Mom, as I have mentioned, set the precedent that you don’t need a car to get around so I mastered the art of using alternative transportation. Let me tell you, I may be leery of many things but I have no fear of buses, subways or trains or their confusing schedules- somehow I will figure it out. I think that is an important tool for youngsters to have in an urban environment.
I went to school in Davis, California, noted for its bicycle use, and got around town, quite nicely, with a bike (helped that the town was flat as a pancake- I use to ride over the highway overpass so I could get hill practice).
Later in Denver, Colorado I lived near a bike path on Cherry Creek, the same path my work was near. I biked to work nearly every day. On days that were too snowy or rainy I tried to take the bus. Once I drove to work after a big snowstorm. At a downtown stoplight I pressed on the brakes but all I did was slide on the slick ice. The only thing keeping me from hitting the bus in front of me was that the bus was in the same slide mode. After that I preferred to ride the bus.
Here in Flagstaff I worked for a short time at NAU. I found out, a little too late, that walking the 1.75 miles to work and home again was a great way to prepare for and then unwind from the work day. I rue the days I spent in my car.
Somehow when I became a mom and moved to Flagstaff, I lost all inclination to try, seriously, other forms of transportation. Oh, sure I pulled my son, in the bike carrier, to preschool a few times and we would walk, for fun, here and there. But I had gotten out of the habit. I want to get back into the habit.
I love seeing the moms with their bike carriers going EVERYWHERE. Or the moms patiently walking to and from the store carrying groceries and holding their toddler’s hand.
I am trying day-by-day to decrease my car use.
My mantra for car use is:
GROUP together errands and plan carefully so you don’t have to drive out to the same part of town on the same day or week or month,
USE other forms of transportation whenever possible,
ENJOY the health benefits and money savings of walking/biking instead of driving,
SAVE the car for emergencies and/or long distance travel,
be THANKFUL you have the choice.

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