Monday, August 3, 2009

The Walk That Was Never Meant To Be

I should have stayed in bed. I wanted to. Really wanted to. But I got up, figuring my dog, Pip, needed the walk. Dilly-dallied around and headed out the door with Pip. And he nearly yanked my arm off. I looked and looked for what he wanted to chase and finally found the tiny black kitten blending with the neighbor’s car tire- just two golden eyes peering out at us. Our neighbor’s kitten, outside to romp around for awhile. I dragged my dog up the street, happy he didn’t chase the cat to who-knows-where and settled into the walking grove.
And then the black furball of puppy attacked- actually it darted out of nowhere and lay prostrate and peed all over itself to show Pip that it meant no harm. Cute thing. Problem was it started following us and wanted to play with Pip. Quandary, do I continue hoping the puppy stops? Or look for the puppy’s owner? I don’t know why, but I chose the later, kind of already knowing the answer. The puppy was dirty and had no ID. But I can always hope. Skipping ahead and making a long, sad story short- one neighbor believes the puppy was dropped off in our neighborhood. We are going on a trip, a short trip, but a trip where we can’t leave a puppy at our house. So this puppy is destined for the humane society.
I believe it will be adopted. He is cute. This tears me apart, bringing him to the humane society, so if you know him or know someone who would like to adopt him. PLEASE send them to the Coconino Humane Society.

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