Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Snow more whining or more snow whining, ugh

Pip says... snow is cool.
I inadvertently let this blog slip this week. I have one more, I think, Wednesday Walker, to go but I think I will save it for next week. Since I have been whining about the snow (from my brother-in-law, do you want some cheese with that whine?), I thought I would provide you with my reasons for why it doesn’t need to snow any more in Flagstaff. Feel free to add your own reasons for spring to start in your regions.

1. Rain will do just fine now, thank you.
2. Our ski area, Snowbowl, has closed- why bother to snow.
3. I think the USGS is about to declare cinders (we use cinders on icy roads) an endangered product- we are running out of cinder hills to mine!
4. Even the ski shops have switched over bike shop rentals.
5. People are wearing shorts, bright colors and light jackets- get the hint!
6. Snow: here today, gone tomorrow- again why make the effort?
7. Winter already won the battle with potholes, we give. I don’t think you could find more places for potholes.
8. I think the guy down the street could use a break from shoveling off his roof.
9. Dogs love the snow, but they are ready to shed their winter coats.
10. If you don’t want to stop snowing for me, stop snowing for the hummingbirds, I mean really. Those tiny things, I am sure they are on their way up here.

Okay, I feel better. I will let you know when it snows again but I will try not to whine, too much, anymore.
Funny how that is. I talked with someone yesterday and she loves the snow and is ready for more, more, more.
Good thing we all have different tastes or we would all want to live in the same place. Diversity- it’s a good thing. I guess that’s the good thing about seasons too, spring sure is sweet after winter



  1. Snow in April is pretty sad for all of you, but be careful what you wish for. I do not think that we have had 5 days without rain since January.

  2. Enough said, but we just need some moisture- how about if we take some of yours, just not the white kind. And we will even each other out. Too bad it can't work that way... :)
